dc.description.abstract |
The purpose of this paper is to highlight how some interactive methods can be applied at different points in a biology
lesson to activate different intelligence in students. As a research method we used the analysis of the current school
curricula and textbooks developed for the 6th grade. By analyzing these curriculum documents, we have identified the
possibility of activating multiple types of intelligence in the lessons of new knowledge transmission and recapitulation.
Thus, in the 6th grade, in the "Reptile - Lizards" lesson, by applying the Cube method in the stage of transmitting new
knowledge and Clustering technique in the stage of knowledge fixation and systematization of knowledge, it is possible
to stimulate interpersonal, linguistic, logical, naturalist, visual, intrapersonal and, sometimes, kinesthetic intelligence. At
the "Birds of Prey" lesson, the use of Think - Pair - Share method, in the stage of fixation new knowledge, and of
Double Bubble Map or Venn Diagram, applied individually by means of a worksheet, in the stage of fixation and
systematization of knowledge, can stimulate the interpersonal, linguistic, intrapersonal, naturalistic and visual
intelligences. In the "Long Legged Birds" lesson, the use of the Star bursting method, in the stage of fixation and
systematization of knowledge, and of the Response - Throw - Inquiry method, in the assessment stage of students'
knowledge, can stimulate interpersonal, linguistic, visual, intrapersonal, naturalistic, and sometimes also kinesthetic
intelligences. For the recapitulation lesson entitled "Reptiles", we propose applying the new interactive method called
Search - Think - Build, through which the intrapersonal, interpersonal, linguistic, visual and natural intelligences of the
students will be required. In conclusion, it can be said that by combining two interactive methods, carefully selected by
the teacher, five or six types of intelligence can be activated in the students. |
en_US |