ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

Research on the influence of geometry of cutting device on harvesters during the cutting process

Show simple item record Nuțu, Gelu Cârlescu, Petru-Marian Țenu, Ioan 2021-04-14T06:14:44Z 2021-04-14T06:14:44Z 2017
dc.identifier.citation Nuțu, Gelu, Petru Marian Cârlescu, Ioan Țenu. 2017. "Research on the influence of geometry of cutting device on harvesters during the cutting process". Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie 60(2): 201-204.
dc.description.abstract The paper presents a study of the influence of the constructive parameters of the blades on the cutting machines from the harvesters during the cutting process.The research focuses on the angle of sharpening of the cutting edges of the blades and the angle of inclination of the stalk during the cutting process. The blades used in the experiment have smooth and jagged cutting edges with a usual angle of 20° and modified angles of 10° and 15°. The tests were carried out using maize stalks (Zea mays) with tilt angles of 45° and 90°. The diagrams of variation of force, displacement and mechanical work during the cutting of maize stalks are presented and discussed. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi en_US
dc.subject cutting process en_US
dc.subject blades en_US
dc.subject combine harvester en_US
dc.subject maize stalks en_US
dc.title Research on the influence of geometry of cutting device on harvesters during the cutting process en_US
dc.type Article en_US Gelu Nuțu, Petru Marian Cârlescu, Ioan Țenu, “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iasi
dc.publicationName Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie
dc.volume 60
dc.issue 2
dc.publicationDate 2017
dc.startingPage 201
dc.endingPage 204
dc.identifier.eissn 2069-6727

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