The wheat is under attack of many pathogenic agents during the vegetation period. Out of these pathogenic agents, we
mention the following fungi in the Eastern Bărăgan area, in the year 2016: Blumeria graminis f. sp. tritici which
produces wheat’s mildew, Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici (sin. Puccinia triticina) (fig. 2) which produces wheat’s
brown rust and Septoria sp. which produces wheat’s brown leaf spotting (septoriosis) (fig. 3) (Velichi E. 2012). An
experiment was conceived in the year 2016, using 4 products of phytosanitary usage, as follows: ACANTO PLUS
(picoxistrobin + cyproconazole), EVOLUS (proquinazid + tebuconazole + prochloraz); BUMPER 250 EC
(propiconazole) and TOPSIN 500 SC (thiophanate-methyl) (Pest – Expert). This experiment consisted in 7 variants (6
variants with phytosanitary treatments in different combinations of products, plus an untreated control variant). The
experiment was placed in randomised blocks. The 7 variants had been placed in 6 repetitions. Among the pathogenic
agents monitored, the biggest attacks had been produced by Puccinia recondita f. sp. tritici fungi, which produces
wheat’s brown rust. For this, the first two leaves beneath the spike had been analysed. The observations have shown
that for all 6 variants of treatment, the degree of attack (D.A.%) of this rust had been lower than for the untreated
control variant. The productions of the treated variants (V1...V6) had been higher than the production of the untreated
control variant V7. The results of the variants’ productions had been statistically interpreted through the method of the
limit differences (LD %). Between the productions of some variants and the untreated control variant, there had been
obtained differences statistically assured.