Soil represents the result of action taken by various processes determined by environmental factors, continously
adapting to natural and/or artificial changes of the environment, recording through certain phenomena, processes and
characteristics, the main evolutionary moments. Agricultural land quality is determined by assessment, according to
which, in Romania, agricultural land belongs to five quality classes differentiated based on their assessment grades. The
assessment study is conducted on various agricultural lands, which should be as homogeneous as possible from the
viewpoint of their environmental factors and vegetation factors. In the Răducăneni administrative-territorial unit, the 70
simple soil units and 6 complex soil units identified, belonging to the Protisoils, Cernisoils, Luvisoils, Hydrisoils and
Antrisoils classes, were included, depending on their slope and exposure, in elementary land units, which resulted in
171 simple ecologically homogeneous territories and 36 complex ones. Relying on the land quality and productivity
assessment grades calculated for the 207 ecologically homogeneous territories, we decided that the surveyed land
belonged to the arable use category, i.e. to I, II, III, IV and V quality classes. 50.9% (3372.68 ha) of the total mapped
area of 6624 ha belongs to the lower quality classes, namely IV and V, 35.1% (2323.17 ha) to the III quality class and
only 14% (928.15 ha) to the higher I and II quality classes.