Monitoring the behavior in service stage of civil engineering structures is absolutely necessary for ensuring stability and
safety through their exploitation. Achievement of an efficient monitoring process of structures is done by using modern
topo-geodetic methods and techniques which guarantees the correctness of the data with the highest accuracy of the
obtained results. The progress of the equipment area for determining geometric elements, means of calculation and
reporting data influences the upgrade of methods and procedures in topographic measurements. The purpose of this
paper is to implement the theory of decision using qualitative and quantitative criteria in a cycle of observations in
monitoring the behavior in time of a viaduct engineering structure using three different topographical devices. We
proposed a comparative analysis using three topo-geodetic technologies for monitoring vertical spatial displacements.
The accuracy with which the monitoring marks are determined on the viaduct is extremely important for obtaining an
optimal monitoring system over time. The objective described in this paper is in the North- West part of Galati city,
which is a structure over 50 years old with a length of 1.3 kilometers. The viaduct is an important access road DJ 252
(Galaţi-Matca-Tecuci) that links the city of Galati to the platform of Arcelor Mittal steel plant, requiring permanent
monitoring due to the age and the continuous dynamic actions it was subjected to during the exploitation and which can
transmit to the foundation ground important settlings that cause irrecoverable structural degradation.