Crop fertilization has beneficial effects on the productivity of sorghum crops although the species does not have high
demands on it. This is explained by the fact that the root system of sorghum is well developed and manages to extract
nutrients from the soil. Previous experiments show that mineral fertilizers contribute to the production increase with
40%. Under A.R.D.S. Secuieni pedoclimatic conditions, for a five years period (2013 – 2017) the influence of nitrogen
and phosphorus fertilizers on the soil production and quality was studied, and the conclusion was that sorghum reacts
well to the fertilization with these fertilizers. Significant production increases have been achieved in the variants
fertilized with doses starting from 80 kg a.s./ha of nitrogen and phosphorus, and the maximum level was recorded in the
variant fertilized with 120 kg a.s./ha of nitrogen and phosphorus. Of the five years of experimentation, the most
favorable for sorghum crop was 2013, a year characterized as very warm. This year's average production was high and
reached 7397 kg/ha. In each of the five years of experimentation, the maximum yield was achieved in the variants
fertilized with 120 kg/ha and its variation ranged between 5506 kg/ha (2015) and 7397 kg/ha (2013). The minimum
yield level was recorded each year in the non-fertilized variants, ranging from 3842 kg/ha (2014) to 4517 kg/ha (2017).
The highest production increase per 1 kg of active substance fertilizer was obtained each year in the variants fertilized
with 40 kg a.s./ha of nitrogen and phosphorus. The nitrogen and phosphorus fertilization has also influenced the grain
quality, which had a positive influence on the protein content and a negative influence on the starch content.