The purpose of the paper is to analyze the profitability of the use of the auto-contour heder (12 m long) compared with
the conventionally one used for soya crop. The objectives were to determine the yield and productivity of soybean crop
(plant average height, number of pods per plant, height of insertion of the first floor of pods). Also, it was determined
the cutting height of the auto-contour heder compared to the conventional one. The profitability analysis consisted in
determining the costs, incomes and returns compared with the use of the auto-contour heder versus the conventional
one. The research was carried out under pedoclimatic conditions of the Făcăeni locality, Ialomiţa County, on a
relatively flat land with a chernozem cambic soil, well supplied in N, P, K with a slightly alkaline pH. The
determinations were carried out both in irrigated and not-irrigated systems. To obtain conclusive results, a number of
100 replications were performed on the 2 ha plot, the results being statistically processed by variance analysis and F
test. Analysis of the results indicated that in case of soya crop the use of auto-contour heder is more profitability
compared to the conventional one, especially in the case of irrigated crops, and yield was higher with 950 kg ha-1 of
grain than with non-irrigated crops.