The present study analyzes the results of some researches carried out
in different agro-ecosystems - perennial and annual crops – from the North
Eastern part of Romania, on the oribatid mites, a representative group of the
edaphic mesofauna. Both faunistic and coenological analysis were
performed. In the lucerne crops the global average abundance has closed
values related to the natural lawns in this zone, but the number of species
and the specific diversity are lower. The annual cultures offer less favourable
conditions for the oribatid mites, an exception being the soy crop, where both
quantitative and qualitative parameters have higher values, comparatively
with the maize or oat cultures. The results acquired in two different years
(2005 and 2007) showed that the drought phenomenon has obvious effects on
the oribatid coenoses in agro-ecosystems, comparatively with the natural