ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

Agricultura ecologică în România, diagnostic şi perspective

Show simple item record Grigore, A. A. Abargaonitei, S. V. Nancu, D. V. Ghiculescu, R. 2025-03-06T17:21:03Z 2025-03-06T17:21:03Z 2008
dc.identifier.citation Grigore, A. A., S. V. Abargaonitei, D. V. Nancu, R. Ghiculescu. 2008. "Agricultura ecologică în România, diagnostic şi perspective". Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie 51(3): 449-452.
dc.identifier.issn 2069-6727
dc.description.abstract The ecological agriculture (or sustainable agriculture) is a modern term that refers to the ability of a farm to produce food indefinitely, without causing irreversible damage to ecosystem health. Two key issues are biophysical (the long-term effects of various practices on soil properties and processes essential for crop productivity) and socio-economic (the long-term ability of farmers to obtain inputs and manage resources such as labor). In sustainable agriculture the producer doesn’t use sinthetised pesticides and fertilizers nor growth regulators and stimulators. Also the use of genetically modified organisms is prohibited.By studing the data provided in this article we can conclude that sustainable agriculture in Romania is an opportunity for the producers and the production of organic food has a constant growth over the last years. Also the opportunities to export these goods are high and beneficial to the local farmers and the environment. en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi en_US
dc.subject ecological en_US
dc.subject sustainable en_US
dc.subject agriculture en_US
dc.subject opportunities en_US
dc.subject organic farming en_US
dc.title Agricultura ecologică în România, diagnostic şi perspective en_US
dc.type Article en_US A. A. Grigore, S. V. Abargaonitei, D. V. Nancu, R. Ghiculescu, Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agrigole şi Medicină Veterinară, Iaşi
dc.publicationName Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie
dc.volume 51
dc.issue 3
dc.publicationDate 2008
dc.startingPage 449
dc.endingPage 452

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