The present research correspond the implementation of the project no 51-058/2007 called „The elaboration and implementation of bee-keeping exploitation models viable in the european economic context” (APIMODEL). After the preliminary calculations regarding the bee families herds for which the researched area can assure sufficient food resources and an adequate production (tab. 5.2.) it resulted a number of aprox. 73 thousands families in the East area and aprox. 29 thousands in the West area, but during the determination of the variations of the melliferous potential it results an efective with 19.4% smaller for the East area and 11.6% smaller in the West area of Romania, the total number reaching aprox. 93.1 thousands bee families. From the report between the number of potential families and the number of existent families it can be determined the degree of utilization of the melliferous given being the necessary correction it results a degree of utilization of the melliferous potential of 53.4% on the entire researched perimeter, 48.2% in the East area and 58.6% in the West area of Romania.