After an echological accident consisting in pollution of a river with sodium cyanide and feroamoniacal sulphate, many fished have died. To prove the cause of poisoning, it was experimentally induced in Carasius auratus, using the, main polluants recovered from the river. Cyanides act as asphixiant poisons, inactivating the cytocromoxydase. Clinical and histological signs were severe at a concentration of 1260 mu g CN- of water, but no clinical signs were observed at a concentration of 540 mu g CN/l. At the necropsy multiple haemorhages were observed under serous membranes and into abdominal organs. Histologicaly, severe necrosis of the liver, melanomacrophages, in the spleen and kidney, damaged neurons, with satelitosis and abnormal shape of the ovocytes were observed.