The paper aim is to evaluate the production capacity of three varieties of dwarf bean -Ferrari, Rocquencourt and Maxidor (C) -under different fertilization conditions: organic-Orgevit-600 kg/ha, chemical-50 kg/ha, with microorganisms-50 kg/ha and the non-fertilized control variant. The experiment was established in the Experimental Field of Vegetable Growing, the University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine Iasi, in the 2016-2017 period. The crop was set up by direct sowing in the field, in three-rows bands, the distance between the bands being 60 cm and between the rows 45 cm. Plant spacing was set at 5 cm, resulting in a density of about 400 thousand plants/ha. The experimental results, under the above mentioned conditions, demonstrate the usefulness of the fertilization of the dwarf bean culture for the pods, the highest yield being obtained by applying chemical and microorganisms fertilization