The evacuation gases analyst is made with the purpose to evaluate the
perfection degree of the fuel burn to appreciate the heat loses because the
incomplete burn , and because of the eventual escapes through the tightness
to establish the air excess coefficient, fill up coefficient, to establish the
pollution degree of the atmosphere with toxics produces.
How we well known, the evaluation gases of the Otto’s engine or
diesel engines contain for the main pollution factors, carbon oxide , azoth
oxides, sulf and smoke produces.
Polluting degree depend on the engine type, on the functioning regime
and on the fuel. Otto’s engine emits big quantities of carbon oxide, during the
diesel engine emits in certain functioning regime , more azoth oxides and a
lot of smoke.
The phenomenon that the measuring apparatus is basing on are: the
unspread energy absorption in the infrared radiation spectrum, flame
ionization etc.
All the determinations are executing for the purpose to find methods
for reduction of polluting degree of environment.