Conventional agriculture, especially with her modern technologies,
modifies landscapes and hearts ecosystems, inclusive the biodiversity at all
levels. Thus, a viable alternative for conventional agriculture would be
organic (ecologic) agriculture system that must be regarded like an integrant
part of sustainable development strategies.
One of the organic agriculture practices would be introducing of
intercropping in the agriculture system. An essential condition for
intercropping success is the interdependence of different agricultural species
in the growing and developing process, determined by their biological
The research was oriented towards studying the ecological and
biological peculiarities and also of the maize-soybean intercropping
productivity in the ecological agriculture system.
The experiments were made in the Moara Domneasca Experimental
Field, on reddish preluvosoil. The seed used in the experiment was obtained
from ecological material. It was sown a simple, early maize hybrid (Zea mays - DK 391), and soybean cultivar (Glycine max – Triumf). Maize was sown at
70 cm between rows and 28,6 cm between plants per row, at a density of 5
plants/m2. Soybean was sown in alternative rows, at a density of 24
As a result of effectuated observations, was determined the moment of
emmergence, height of plants, number of leaves/plant and also the
productivity elements.
Thus, maize had a vegetation period of 134 days, reached 182 cm
height and formed 17 leaves/plant in monoculture and intercroped with
soybean had the same vegetation period, reached 172 cm height and formed
16 leaves/plant. Soybean from monoculture had a vegetation period of 130
days, reached 80 cm height and formed a number of 16 knots per plants and
in intercropping had a vegetation period of 135 days, reached 87.5 cm height
and formed 14 knots/plant..