In winter wheat, we analysed soil deep aeration with two graduations:
not scarified and scarified with the following variants: ploughing 18-22 cm +
discing, discing, soil work with a combined machine and direct sowing. In
maize we monitored two graduations: non scarified and scarified with the
variants ploughing 25-30 cm+discing, discing in summer + treatment with
herbicides+discing in spring, soil work, with a combined machine, direct
sowing. Apparent density has lower values in spring in the scarification–
ploughing+discing (1.12-1.20 g/cm3) system and higher in summer or
autumn depending on the crop (wheat: 1.35-1.43 g/cm3, maize: 1.42-1.52
g/cm3). In wheat, on non scarified soil the water reserve in the soil oscillates
between 1576 m3/ha and 1856 m3/ha, in the twining phase (april) and
between 1354 m3/ha and 1506 m3/ha, upon harvesting. In grain maize
cultivated on non scarified soil, soil moisture reserve in the 5-6 leaves stage
was around 2000 m3/ha. In the deep aeration variant, there is a surplus of
water of 200 m3/ha compared to the non scarified variant.