In a experience made on a alluvial soil at SC Pajura SRL, Garvan, it
was observed the influence of the N and P fertilization upon the protein
content at the winter wheat. The researched factors were: Factor A – P dose
with the variants: P0, P40, P80, P120, P160. Factor B – N dose with the variants:
N0, N40, N80, N120, N160. Analyzing the influence of the P factor we can see that
the protein content is growing with 18.32 % at the N40 variant, with 31.05%
at the variant N80, with 41.09 % at the variant N120 and with 48.03 % at the
variant N0. The interaction between N and P had increased the contain of the
protein substances. So, in the variant N160P120, the protein contain had
increased with 57.44% compared with the variant N0P0. In the variant
N160P120 the protein content was 14.23%, with 51.38 % bigger than in the
control variant. The protein content is classified through the experience in
the groups: very good, good and satisfy.