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Cercetări privind optimizarea condiţiilor de microclimat pentru prepeliţe de rasa japoneză exploatată în condiţiile Republicii Moldova

Show simple item record Sumnaschii, A. Modvala, Suzana 2025-01-31T08:51:58Z 2025-01-31T08:51:58Z 2008
dc.identifier.citation Sumnaschii, A., Suzana Modvala. 2008. "Cercetări privind optimizarea condiţiilor de microclimat pentru prepeliţe de rasa japoneză exploatată în condiţiile Republicii Moldova". Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie 51(2): 273-278.
dc.description.abstract The microclimate in the shed works the optimal limits of temperature, humidity, gas’s changing, air streams and light. The quill’s life is developing always inside, and the microclimate has to satisfy the adequate levels conditions and to satisfy the bird's needs. There was used the Japanese breed of quails as a biologic material rose up in six leveled cage, in each cage there were about 90 birds. For the aim achieving there were formed four groups: the first one was the control group and three were experimental. During the experiment there were studied the next index: the eggs production, the eggs weight, the eggs form index, the eggs shell thickness, the blood chemical composition. There was established that the higher eggs production during the experiment was in group II – 273,0 eggs, the lowest production was in group IV – 173,07 eggs. There was received more with 39.3 eggs in group II comparing with the control group. The eggs weigh depends on many factors as are: biologic, feeding and the birds keeping. The higher hatchability level of the eggs was registered in group II – 93.75%, or with 2,5 higher than in the control group. After the morphological control of the quill’s eggs it is necessary to mention that this index was influenced by the eggs weight, thus in II experimental group this index was the highest being 12,8, the eggs white was 7,0g, the eggs yolk was 3,9g, the eggs shell was 1,9 comparing the received results with the control group the eggs weight was – 10,8g, thus the eggs white was 5,7g, the yolk was 3,5g and the eggs shell was 1,8g. The received results allow making the next conclusions: the technological factors of temperature and air humidity have a grate influence on productive and reproductive index of raised up quails in conditions of Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi en_US
dc.subject quails en_US
dc.subject eggs production en_US
dc.subject hatchability level en_US
dc.subject eggs form index en_US
dc.title Cercetări privind optimizarea condiţiilor de microclimat pentru prepeliţe de rasa japoneză exploatată în condiţiile Republicii Moldova en_US
dc.type Article en_US A. Sumnaschii, Suzana Modvala, Institutul de Zootehnie şi Medicină Veterinară Chişinău, Rep. Moldova
dc.publicationName Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie
dc.volume 51
dc.issue 2
dc.publicationDate 2008
dc.startingPage 273
dc.endingPage 278
dc.identifier.eissn 2069-6727

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