To prevent the attack of soil pest (wire worm, ground flea, sallow
beetle) which affect the hemp cultures from germination phase of seeds and
up to elongation phase of plant (15 – 20 cm) but also of some pathogen
agents which are transmitted through soil and seed (Fusarium oxysporum,
Pythium de Baryanum and Sclerotinia sclerotiorum) has been experimented
a range of insecticide and fungicide applied in treatment of hemp seed. Has
been found that the insecticide: Gaucho 600FS -6,0 l/t; Cruiser 350 FS –
10,0 l/t and Oncol 40 FS – 10,0 Kg/t and the fungicide: Dividend 030 FS –
1,7 l/t and Semnal 500 FS - 2,5 l/t, as well as the combined treatment of seed
with the above-mentioned fungicide and insecticide have no negative
influence over the seed germination, the percentage of plants appearance
being by 87% at untreated test and values between 92% and 98% at treated
variants. The differences that it concerns the attack degree produced by the
soil pest (Agriotes sp., Opatrum sabulosum, Psylliodes attenuata,
Chaetocnema concinna) from the variants treated with insecticide and the
untreated test was negatively very significant. The chemical treatment of seed
with fungicide Dividend 030 FS and Semnal 500 FS negatively affected the
attack produced by Fusaryum oxysporum, Pythium de Baryanum and
Sclerotinia sclerotiorum. The good protection provided by chemical
treatment of hemp seeds with fungicide and insecticide, positively affected the
production of hemp, seed, between variants treated and untreated test being
registered differences of production statistically secure.