The elaboration of the technologies of procurances, the
experimentations and agrochemicals attempt of a kinds manure with or
without structures with biostimulator roles, applied radicular, in the field and
in the house of vegetation to the wheat crops, the soy, the sun flower and
tomatoes it has indicated the fact as a choise of the composition of the
fertilizers must be selected that to offer the necessary of macro and
microelements to balanced doctored the positions of stress induced of the
consumption of nutritious substances in time of developmental phases of the
plants, or the unfavorable conditions of temperature, technologically facts
and/or agro fond. The utilization of the radicular manures as the further
fertilization in modern agriculture represents and a improve method that an
ecologic agriculture also quotient and of a durable agriculture.
In the agrochemical attempts, they used o lot of variants of radicular
fertilizer with a complex structure and a matrix of macro and microelements.
The variants of biofertilizers were tested comparative with radicular classic
fertilizers with a matrix of kind NPK and chelate compound of