The valuing of the production capacity of agricultural lands and
especially that of the surfaces of arable land was achieved in time by
carrying out draining works, banking-control works, underground drainage,
soil erosion prevention and others.
For introducing the excessively humid lands of Bogdăneşti-Baia in the
normal circuit of agricultural production, between 1978 and 1980 a system
of draining-drainage was installed on a surface of 654 ha, of which 200 ha
with underground drainage works.
By the functioning and exploiting of the draining-drainage systems
and especially after 1990, when the land was in private property, a change in
the building parameters of the channel network occurred. The evolution of
geometrical and hydraulic elements is mostly influenced by the way of
exploitation of the lands and the interference of the anthropical factor.
At the carrying out of draining-drainage to ensure the proper
functioning, several hydro technical works such as culverts, slope breaking
and consolidation of the channel sections in concrete slab and dry-stone
After 1900, along with the constitution of property rights on the lands,
the main cause for destroying the hydraulic works was stealing the concrete
slabs from the consolidations.
In the Bogdăneşti-Baia system of draining-drainage, the hydro
technical works are working well, as they have been mainly consolidated
with dry-stone pitching. Maintaining the integrity of consolidations with dry
stone pitching from slope breakings, culverts and the channel junction on the
calibrated bed river of Parcu, Adâncata and Strâmba valleys favored the
preservation of geometrical and hydraulic elements of the channels in