Natural water ecosystems that present a bigger physico-chemical
stability as compared to other life eco-systems, is characterized by a high
degree of integrality , given by the dynamic equilibrium between the living
and the non-living ecosystem components. as a result, they prove a high
degree of self-adjustment. But the artificial and the semi-artificial ecosystems
used in commercial aquaculture show some characteristics such as: reduced
heterogeneity, the decrease of dynamic equilibrium and , as a result, reduced
self-adjustment capabilities. The researches performed by the Aquaculture
Department of the Lower Danube University of Galatzi aim at establishing
water nutrient quantity and mud characteristics in two aquaculture ponds
(Sovarca, Vladesti) of the Prut Low Basin. In these researches, both natural
and technological factors which determined the nutrient amount in muds
have been monitored. The main parameters which characterize the NPK
content in muds are: total N (%); phosphorous (ppm); potassium (ppm); pH;
humus (%).