In this paper three new created advanced cultivars - Magic, Astral
and Rapsodia besides the cultivars Ostara, Desirée and Sante were analyzed.
At these cultivars, the dry substances, protein, starch, soluble glucose
and chlorophyll pigments contents were determined. Also, the cultivars from
photosynthetic efficiency point of view were evaluated.
The biggest values of the dry substances content from leafage were
registered at the semi earlier Astral and Rapsodia. The biggest protein
content was registered at the earlier cultivars Ostara and Magic and at the
semi earlier cultivars Astral and Rapsodia. The cultivars Desirée and Sante
had the biggest starch content.
Concerning the concentration of the leafage in “a” chlorophyll it
observed that it was smaller at the earlier cultivars.
The quantity of the translocated products from leafage and the
consumed quantity through respiration has been increase because of the
intense photosynthesis. The relations between these two processes groups
determined the significant values of the correlation coefficient (0,87*