The paper aims to highlight the influence of climatic conditions and the optimal sowing epoch on species biology and
herb and seed yields at Dracocephalum moldavica L. (moldavian dragonhead). The research was carried out in 2017, in
the experimental field of A.R.D.S. Secuieni. Due to the higher temperatures in the epoch II, the sown plants had a faster
evolution. From sowing to seed harvesting it was necessary 131 days, the sum of the thermal degrees was 2293.3 °C
and 242.2 mm precipitations. Under the conditions of S.C.D.A. at epoch II and III, there was a decrease decrease at herb
and seed yields compared to the control of the experience sowing at the end of March - early April. Compared with the
control variant (epoch I), where the seeds production was 635.33 kg/ ha, at epoch III of sowing there was a loss of
production of 21% representing 131.66 kg/ ha.