In this paper are presented the preliminary results of studies
regarding the mineralogy and geochemistry of hortic anthrosol (profile BC.
1) from Bacău glasshouse (Romania). Have been special followed the aspects
concerning to the distribution of occurrence forms of minerals and organic
components, and genetic correlations between these in hortic antrosols
conditions, respectively. According with the pedogeochemical
characteristics, the studied soil is proxy-calcaric hortic anthrosol evolutes on
fluviatil deposits with the following composition: Apk – Atpk – Ahok – Bvk1 –
Bvk2 – Ck. The pedogeochemical characteristics of Ahok horizon are
sensible different in comparison with the others horizons of studied profile,
but rather similar with the pedogeochemical characteristics of horizons
described in literature as frangipane horizons. Ours data not exclude the
possibility that the Ahok horizon from studied profile to be admitted in
frangipane horizons category, but it development way in profile, the
chemical-mineralogical characteristics and formation conditions are not in
agreement with the opinion of other researchers. Characteristics for the
studied anthrosol are intense modifications of soil profile, relative large
variability of mineralogy and chemism, and salinization processes of
superior horizons. From chemical point of view, the hortic anthrosol is
characterized by high values of bases saturation, accessible phosphorus and
ration between humic and fulvic acids. From mineralogical point of view, the
studied hortic anthrosol is characterized by a high heterogeneity degree,
both as contents, and as occurrence and distribution forms of mineral and
organic components in profile. Predominant quantitatively are clay minerals
(39.86-48.75 %, average: 44.40 %), and as variety, the crystalline forms are
most abundant (36.17-45.63 %, average: 40.49 %). As regard the clay
minerals type, the kaolinite (14.97-25.19 %, average: 21.84 %) and illite
Universitatea de Ştiinţe Agricole şi Medicină Veterinară Iaşi
9.58-17.57 %, average: 13.28 %) have dominant weights in comparison with
smectite (4.55-8.49 %, average: 6.33 %) and the other mineral components.