Dynamics of adult the Cydia (Laspeyresia) pomonella flight was followed in the apple orchards owned by SC Service SRL Deleşti-Vaslui. For this purpose, it was used the pheromone traps such as AtraPOM were purchased from the Chemistry Institute in Cluj-Napoca country. The traps were installed in the plantation from the first decade of May to September, with the pheromone beingreplaced within at 6 weeks. The readings were recorded at 3-5 day intervals, inventing the catches at each reading and captured butterflies were removed from the trap. Depending on the dynamics of the butterfly flight, it was established for each generation: the beginning of the flight; maximum flight; the end of the flight. Finally, according to these data, the time of application of the chemical treatments for each generation was determined and according to the number of catches and the timeliness of their application.