Rhubarb (Rheum rhabarbarum L.) is a perennial plant, adapted to
cold and temperate climate, less spread crop in Romania. Due to the fact, in
some areas of our country, rhubarb found favorable conditions for growth and
development (Transylvania, Moldavia), the culture of this species require
special attention in terms of sustainability. Through the application of
differentiated technology, the content of organic acids, minerals, carbohydrates,
proteins, vitamins and contaminants differs of the cultivar and the harvesting
period. Based on these considerations, the aim of the present study was to
highlight the content of any heavy metals (Cu, Cd, Zn and Pb), in two cultivars
of rhubarb. In all samples, the Cd content was below the detection limit of the
device (<10 ppm). The highest accumulation of heavy metals in the petioles of
rhubarb was achieved in cultivar Glaskins perpetual which was planted at
distances of 1,1 m x 0,75 m, with a density of 12120 pl/ha, as: Cu – 36 ppm/100
fresh weight; Zn – 166 ppm/100 g fresh weight and Pb – 18 ppm/100 g fresh