The achievement, with the computer graphics help, by using AutoCAD
software, of the technical drawings is apparently a well-known issue by many of
users. But the multitude of stages that lead, finally to the printed form of a
technical drawing, starting with the loading and establishing the properties of
the layers and ending with the printing process, makes this action to be not an
easy task. From practical experience, the authors know the fact that between all
the stages required to obtain the printed form of a drawing the phases that may
pose the most problems are in number of three. The first is the one that refers
to the choosing a standard format for printing. The second takes into account
the case when the users can not represent or represent incorrectly, on the same
format, multiple representations using different scales. Finally, the third
concerns the situation in that the users can't indicate the representation scale.
Taking to account these inconvenient, the authors have developed a working
way that comes to support of users and facilitate the understanding process of
the stages listed above.