Pleurotus eryngii mushrooms are widely produced for their excellent nutritional and medicinal qualities. This experiment was conducted to investigate the yielding capacity of three P.eryngii strains (Pery-G, Pery-K and Pery-26) cultivated on three variants of lignocellulosic substrate, four replicates/variant. The trail was performed in the mushroom house and the spawned bags (2 kg substrate) were randomized on racks with two levels. Pery-G strain showed the biggest production in the V2variant (75% straws + 20%sawdust + 5% wheat bran and corn flour 1/1) with 544 g/bag (27.20%) and in the V1(95% straws + 5% wheat bran and corn flour), with 534 g/bag (26.70%). Pery-26 strain yielded the best result of the experiment in the V2 with 548 g/bag (27.40%). All three experimental strains yielded the smallest harvests in the V3 variant (50% straws + 30% sawdust + 15% corn cobs + 5% wheat bran and corn flour 1/1).