The adaptation of the new created genotypes to the eco-pedo-climatic conditions of various geographical areas is an important characteristic in order to expand and promote them into the vineyards. The purpose of this work was to study the behavior in the climatic conditions of the Copou-Iași viticultural center, of two new grapevine varieties for table grapes (Codreanca and Argessis), obtained by interspecific hybridization. The two genotypes stood out for their earliness and high yields (4-6 kg/vine stock), similar to the control variety Moldova, as common genitor. Sugar accumulations occurred according to the biological potential of each variety, varying between 165 and 195 g/L, ensuring, along with total acidity (4.9-6.0 g/L), a harmonious taste balance. The analyzed interspecific varieties efficiently capitalized the climatic resources of the ecosystem, showing good resistance to stress factors, ensuring high and quality productions, being well adapted to the climatic area of cultivation (N-E of Romania).