The Nero di Toscana variety had very good suitability for sowing under drip irrigation conditions, followed by the varieties Dwarf Green Curled S, Larkezungen and Westlander Halbhoher. Under sprinkling irrigation conditions, the emergence of plants was reduced at Larkezungen variety at 50%, Westlander Halbhoher at 12.5% The feature leaf/plant production varied as follows: Larkezungen -542 g, Westlander Halbhoher -347 g, Reflex F1 -336 g, Black magic -332 g, Dwarf Green Curled S -322 g and Dwarf Green Curled -312 g. Total yield (leaves + strains) was 825 g -Larkezungen, 434 g -Westlander Halbhoher, 422 g -Reflex F1, 380 g -Black magic, 372 g -Dwarf Green Curled S, -Fizz, 332 g -Nero di Toscana, 321 g -Pentland Brigg. Other varieties had a yield of less than 300 g / plant.