The “components of yield” approach has been used widely to explain variations in the yield of grain legumes. The study has been conducted at Vegetable Research and Development Station (VRDS Buzau), under the normal testing conditions of 2018. The biological material was represented by 12 genotypes from the climbing beans(Phaseolus vulgarisL.) collectionof the Physiology, Agro-chemistry and Organic Crops Laboratory. A significant genetic variability has been found between climbing bean genotypes, for all indicators which have been analyzed. Some elements which define the pod architecture, the thickness and width have had a significant positive influence on yield indexes for climbing bean genotypes. Two lines of the climbing beans collection(L49M şi L6U) at VRDS Buzau have been identified with a very good performance in yield index on climatic conditions of 2018. These varieties could be used in the breeding program in agro-ecological system for obtaining new cultivars with a good performance in yield.