Homemade dog food preparation for dogs with digestive problems can be worth the time and effort if the owner owns a
dog that suffers from regular digestive disorders. Digestive disorders in dogs are quite common problems that
veterinarians regularly have to deal with. Patients with digestive disorders often present with similar clinical signs, such
as vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, lack of apathy, and abdominal pain. Nutritional modification is an integral part of
gastrointestinal disease management, both in preventing recurrence and reducing clinical signs. Once a patient is
evaluated from both nutritional and medical perspectives, the general nutritional case approach can be followed to select
an appropriate diet and feeding plan for the dog. The objectives were to develop nutritionally balanced homemade food
recipes with specific ingredients for digestive disorders in dogs. The recipes were personalized, made of specific
ingredients for digestive problems.