Bovine papilloma virus (BPV) -2 is the most common on haired skin. A 4-year-old Fleckviech Simmental cattle,
weighing 650 kg, with the presence of a formation on the upper eyelid of the right eye occupying approximately one
third of it, was examined. The lesion was nodular, hyperkeratotic, cauliflower-like growths. Hematological
abnormalities were lymphocytopenia, neutrophilia which indicates inflammation, infection, and hemoconcentration
which indicates mild dehydration. Changes in liver enzymes combined with low blood sugar and ketone bodies in urine
indicated ketosis status. Histological examination showed a hyperplastic epithelium covering an ordered proliferation of
mesenchymal cells. Numerous large cells with blue-gray cytoplasm were visible within the hyperplastic epithelium.
Corroborating the data of the clinical and paraclinical examinations, the diagnosis of cutaneous fibropapilloma was