Within this analysis the structural and behavioral differences will be highlighted for external actions in this paper, but also the adaptation of the structure to the technological conditions imposed by the architectural and functional design of the agrozootechnical building structure. The construction will be considered for Iasy County. Thus, the prefabricated
reinforced concrete frame structure with the corresponding roof panels from hot rolled profiles type IPE, will have the spatial cooperation between frames ensured by the stiffening beams that join the pillars in the longitudinal profile of the building. The pillar joints will be considered as articulated. The steel structure will have rigid-pole-beam joints, and the spatial co-operation will be ensured by the vertical contraventions present at the level of the pediments between the pillars, but also at the level of the marginal beams only between the marginal pillars. They will also be willing roof plane countervailing for increased rigidity of the wind and Earthquake. The wooden structure will have ensured the
spatial cooperation between the frames only through the panels roof, not including other elements of braking and stiffening. The joints will be rigid between the pillar and the beam, and the continuity of the roof panels will be ensured by mounting the multinail plates at their joints. The structural optimization will be done through a comparative study of
the three structural variants and the proposal of the one that meets all the beneficiary requirements.