Starting from basic ideas in the study of invention and creativity:
- "Every school is a living organism, born out of certain human needs, which lives and develops continuously" (Delia
- "Great inventions arise during times of economic crisis" (GN Althsuller)
- "Universities train young inventors with exciting ideas" (V. Belousov),
and based on the experience acquired during 20 years at the National Institute of Invention in Iasi, we have designed a
new modular invention structure which reflects the current transformations in higher education under the Bologna
Process. The new modular structure connects MA and PhD students from any field of activity, in order to facilitate
knowledge of the unique set of interdisciplinary effects (technical, economic, psychological and overlapping effects), in
an education environment tailored to the third millennium.
Nowadays the following facts are widely known: the Earth's material resources are limited; the resourcefulness of
human creation is inexhaustible; the performance ratio of the human brain is higher than 1. To improve human
performance it is necessary to establish the target modular creative groups, comprised of MA and PhD students in all
fields (education, research, design), with the aim of increasing the efficiency of specialized technical and economic