In Gârda de Sus commune there is unfolding research concerning the influence of the use system upon Arnica montana
L. grasslands, more precisely, the manner in which the fertilisation actions are performed and how they influence the
sward’s composition. The existence of A. montana L. meadows is the result of performing a long lasting traditional
management of extensive type. These oligotrophic grasslands are only organic fertilised, using mainly the stable
manure. The most landowners fertilise the Arnica grasslands in a regular cycle: annually most of the times, and rarely
once at two or three years. The exploitation only through grazing produces the strong installation of some species like:
Vaccinium myrtillus L., Vaccinium vitis-idaea L., Luzula luzuloides Lam., Deschampsia flexuosa L. etc. The application
of maintenance works and use through mowing favours the spreading of some species with forage value: Agrostis
capillaris L., Festuca rubra L., Trisetum flavescens L., Trifolium pratense L., etc., as well as some without forage
value: Centaurea pseudophrygia C.A. Meyer, Euphrasia officinalis L., Gymnadenia conopsea L., Hieracium
aurantiacum L. etc. The Arnica montana L. populations, from the number of individuals point of view, are poorly
influenced by these two systems practicing, being present in both cases with considerable cover.