Most of the specialists who have studied consumer behavior have found that the main criterials the individual consumer
segmentation by geographical (country or region in a particular territorial space, urban and rural areas, urban
population), demographic (age, sex , family size, family life cycle, the income, occupation, religion), psihografic
(social, lifestyle, personality), behavioral (purchase situations: normal, special advantages sought in the product: price,
quality, status : new user, former user, potential user, regular user, fidelity to the product: zero, low, strong, total,
attitude toward the product: enthusiastic, positive, indifferent, negative, hostile).
Also on the consumer market segmentation are organizational demographic criteria (industry or agriculture, business
location, its size), many supply sys (centralized, descentralized lysates) or socioeconomic criteria (quality, price,
facilities maintenance, structure power of decision, the nature of existing relationships)
The paper presents results of studies on these criteria in the domestic and European consumers reveals several important
aspects of economic theory and practice.