Natural, traditional beer is an alcoholic beverage, naturally saturated with carbon dioxide, which is obtained from barley malt, water, hops and yeast for fermentation. This is the third most consumed drink in the world, after water and tea, and the oldest alcoholic beverage on the entire planet. In this context, the main purpose of the research was to analyze the quality of the different types of blonde beer within a profile unit in northeast of Romania. In order to identify the technological features of beer production, the technological flow within the study unit was followed. The researched material was represented by 20 blonde beer samples, which came from four different types of beer (Suceava clasic, Călimani, Bermas and Solca), produced in the study unit. The samples were analysed organoleptically and then subjected to physico-chemical analyzes, determining: apparent extract, real extract, pH, alcohol concentration, total acidity, bitter value and CO2 concentration. Sensory analysis was performed by the scoring method, evaluating the appearance, colour, smell, taste, CO2 impregnation and persistence of the foam, the four types of beer evaluated having a good or very good quality. pH is one of the most important parameters regarding the taste and beer stability, the values obtained falling within the range 4.35-4.8, imposed in the study unit by product standards. CO2 concentration is another important parameter, all four types of blonde beer falling within the range of 0.3 - 0.5%. After analyzing all the results obtained, it is concluded that these products comply with the quality standards imposed by the legislation in force.