It was necessary to identify the metals (heavy, noble and rare metals) bioabsorption characteristics to the edible
mushroom species Armillaria melea, in the view to relieve its quality as indicator. The samples were collected from
some forestry ecosystems: Adanca, Gorgota, Manesti, Bucegi-Paduchiosu and Dambovita River vally from Dambovita
All over the world today are developing large studies concerning biochemical and physiological features of mushrooms
in the view to promote them as biological tools in different types of environmental biotechnologies grace of their
bioabsorption capacity for heavy, rare or noble metals.
This paper is about the elemental content of Armillaria melea in cap and stipe, bioabsorption factor, correlated to the
mineral content of substrate and its natural pH value. The elemental content of biological and environmental samples
was determined by spectrometry of fluorescence (EDXRF) using ELVA_X apparatus. Biological samples and their
substrate samples have been dried at 600
C some hours first. After drying the solid samples have been grinded until to
fine powder and weighed.
For the evaluation of EDXRF results was used a certified reference sample NIST SRM 1571- Orchard leaves.
So, it was determinate the presence of some heavy metals as copper, manganese, lead.