Romanian education in general and higher education in particular is in the process of institutional and structural reform,
following the application of National Education Law, adopted in 2011.
The education with agronomic profile of Romania also participate in this reform process that has in view all the issues
relating to the structure, organization, material and human resources, all aimed at improving efficiency of training and
Compared to other educational profiles, the agronomic profile has specific peculiarities especially regarding the
curriculum content and especially university education level with an emphasis on practical work of agronomists
graduates (Ciurea IV2005).
One of the levers to achieve quality in agronomic education is the type of administrative management applied at the
level of the institution and its component structures (Antonesei L. & colab.2000). This study aimed to diagnose the type
and structure of administrative management from USAMV Iasi in order to identify strategies for its improvement.