Entomofauna study to the sweet and sour cherry orchards took place during 2010 in plantations belonging the S.C
Loturi Service S.R.L. Deleşti farm from Vaslui country, following the application of chemical treatments.
For to harvest the biological materials it was used the beeting method and the soil traps type Barber for to assess the
structure and type of entomofauna.
The species with the highest number of collected specimens were: Brachysomus echinatus Bonsdorff., Silpha carinata
Herbst., Mylacus rotundatus F., Harpalus distinguendus Duft., Forficula auricularia L.,Chrysopa carnea Steph.,
Stethorus punctilum Weise. and those belonging to families Formicidae, Ichneumonidae, Cecidomyidae şi Cicadellidae.