Bakery products market recorded before the new harvest high pressure caused mainly by increases in cereal prices
(generated mainly by adverse climatic conditions in some major producing countries or poor strategies adopted) and by
the inputs from the production process. Analysis of national consumption value shows the significant difference
between European media and official reports and also the mismatch between the official reports and the facts- caused
by the 'black market' which has a very high share in bakery domestic market. Demand for bakery in general and for
bread particularly being inelastic, production companies must move towards diversification of the range and the quality
increase while focusing on the potential benefits to health consumers.
The paper analyzes the global, national and local bakery products market by focusing on providing consumer needs of
the population and highlights the importance of the production in terms of economic results in a comparative study of
firms PANIFCOM, COMPAN and AFER- companies representative for the field in the county. It is highlighted the
direct correlation between the implementation of strategies based on marketing mix (with emphasis on product quality,
promoting efficiency and distribution intensity) and market shares that the companies own, affecting the turnover and
respectively the profits achieved