In the context of European honey markets, the Romanian market is considered as one of the most powerful, with a rate
of 100% self-supply and multiple export opportunities. The Romanian beekeeping sector, characterized by a fast
dynamic during 2000-2010, has adapted to current trends, responding in this way to the growing demand for the
production of organic products, necessary for a healthy lifestyle. The first organic beekeepers were registered in 2000
and their number reached 1018 in 2009. Starting from these data, the present research is based on a perception study on
organic beekeeping in the North West of Romania, the study being a part of a complex analysis of the beekeeping
chain, carried out within the postdoctoral research project “A technical and economic analysis of the beekeeping in the
North West Region of Romania in order to ensure the sustainable development of the beekeeping chain”. The results of
the present study show that the vast majority of beekeepers agree with the principles of organic beekeeping and more
than half admit that they are aware of the costs that this type of beekeeping entails. Organic beekeeping, as a particular
orientation towards a certain set of principles that guide the production of honey, is in its early stage in Romania. The
support of this type of beekeeping is done through various forms: supporting a percentage of the fee for inspection and
certification by NRDP measures, through the National Beekeeping Program as well as the national export strategy.