ALSERepository of Iași University of Life Sciences, ROMANIA

Cercetări privind influenţa utilizării unor produse oenologice la maturarea vinurilor albe şi rosé obţinute în podgoria Iaşi-Copou

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dc.contributor.advisor Cotea, Valeriu V. Cerbu, Maria-Iulia 2023-11-15T08:40:42Z 2023-11-15T08:40:42Z 2023-07-06 2023
dc.identifier.citation Cerbu, Maria-Iulia. 2023. Research on the influence of the use of some oenological products on the ageing on lees of white and rosé wines, obtained in the IasiCopou vineyard. Doctoral thesis, University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, Romania. (
dc.format.mimetype application/pdf
dc.language.iso ro en_US
dc.subject Sauvignon blanc en_US
dc.subject Busuioacă de Bohotin en_US
dc.subject ageing on lees en_US
dc.subject amino acids en_US
dc.subject biogenic amines en_US
dc.subject olfactive descriptors en_US
dc.subject taste descriptors en_US
dc.subject maturare pe levuri en_US
dc.subject aminoacizi en_US
dc.subject amine biogene en_US
dc.subject descriptori olfactivi en_US
dc.subject descriptori gustativi en_US
dc.title Cercetări privind influenţa utilizării unor produse oenologice la maturarea vinurilor albe şi rosé obţinute în podgoria Iaşi-Copou en_US
dc.title.alternative Research on the influence of the use of some oenological products on the ageing on lees of white and rosé wines, obtained in the IasiCopou vineyard en_US
dc.type Thesis en_US
dc.publicationDate 2023
dc.type.material text
alse.license public domain
alse.embargo.until embargo until 28.09.2025 University of Life Sciences, Iaşi, Romania Doctoral Doctor in the Field of Horticulture

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