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Some aspects the influence of sowing time of winter olissed rape production in the conditions north-east Baragan

Show simple item record Rîșnoveanu, Luxița Buzdugan, Lucian 2023-07-20T06:09:25Z 2023-07-20T06:09:25Z 2011
dc.identifier.citation Rîșnoveanu, Luxița, Lucian Buzdugan. 2011. "Some aspects the influence of sowing time of winter olissed rape production in the conditions north-east Baragan". Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie 54(1): 163-169.
dc.description.abstract Research by the 2004-2010 in the agricultural area north-east Barãgan, highlight the fact that rape sowing time factor to be considered limiting of the technology of great importance to this culture, a disturbance of optimal growth and development of this plant. Frost resistance of rape plants are closely related to planting dates with complex implications in the biology of their (production, leaf area, leaf area index, , number pods per plant, dry matter harvest index, etc.). Optimal sowing time of winter rape to the north - east Baragan is between 5- 10 september the point of view so productive and biologically. So sowing too early too late and especially production determine significant drawbacks. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher “Ion Ionescu de la Brad” University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine, Iaşi en_US
dc.subject winter rape en_US
dc.subject sowing date en_US
dc.subject productive and biological structures en_US
dc.title Some aspects the influence of sowing time of winter olissed rape production in the conditions north-east Baragan en_US
dc.type Article en_US Luxița Rîșnoveanu, Research Station for Agricultural Development Brãila Lucian Buzdugan, TCE 3 Brazi-Neamţ, Insula Mare a Brãilei branch
dc.publicationName Lucrări Ştiinţifice USAMV - Iaşi Seria Agronomie
dc.volume 54
dc.issue 1
dc.publicationDate 2011
dc.startingPage 163
dc.endingPage 169
dc.identifier.eissn 2069-6727

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