High and stable yields of rape can be obtained under the alluvial soils of the Insula Mare a Brãilei a only by using
hybrid varieties with high yield and production, to use on favorable environmental conditions and agricultural
technology in this area of great economic importance.
During 2004-2010 were studied over 215 genotypes of winter rapeseed yield of studying the elements of productivity of
plant resistance to different stressors, their adaptability to the specific conditions of the Insula Mare a Brãilei.
Optimization of rapeseed varieties ensure a sufficient diversity of cultivated assortment in terms of the vegetation
period, resistance to pests, and winter hardiness of morpho-physiological features that enable more efficient use of both
soil and climate conditions of the Insula Mare a Brãilei, and decrease genetic vulnerability of this crop.
(10-15 rânduri, cu referire expresă la rezultatele cercetărilor).