In this paper, the quality of milk production was analyzed in dairy cattle herds from 7 farms in Neamț County. For this,
data from accredited associations were used to perform their own performance control (CPP), respectively the
Association of Animal Breeders "Operator IA" Neamț, the Association of Cattle Breeders from Mureș County, as well
as the date from the Genealogical Register. The quality of milk was assessed according to the seven specific indicators,
as follows: somatic cell number (NCS), fat percentage (G%), protein percentage (P%), lactose proportion (L%),
proportion of urea (U%), proportion of casein (C%) and the pH of the milk.The average daily milk production produced
by the cows on these farms was also calculated (kg/head/day). The breeds raised on these farms are:Bălțată cu Negru
Românească (BNR), Holstein, Brună de Maramureș and Bălțată Românească (BR). The best results of milk quality
were obtained in Brună de Maramureș cows from farm 5 or Secuieni Neamț Agricultural Research and Development
Station, the average values of the specific indicators on milk quality were as follows: NCS thousand / ml - 157.64, fat
(%) -4.64, protein (%) - 3.73, lactose (%) -4.84, urea (%)-23.37casein (%) -28.78, pH - 6.60.