Wheat is the main cereal crop in the EU- world production is about 582.7 million tons from 213.8 million ha.
(FAOSTAT, 2020). Romania is a traditional grower and producer of wheat; therefore, it is necessary to obtain a high
quality of seed material. Storage fungi are among the major factors causing post-harvest deterioration of crop produce
worldwide. FAO estimates that annually, through conditioning and storage, the percentage of losses reaches 6-10%.
Three varieties of wheat seeds from crops in south-eastern Romania were analysed, in storage conditions.
Measurements were aimed at determining the associated fungal load of wheat seeds and establishing their influence on
quality indicators. The paper presents a study on the appearance and development of storage-specific micromycetes.
The research was carried out on common wheat seeds from the warehouses of the National Administration of State
Reserves and Special Issues. Wheat is stored during the cold season at an optimal level of temperature and humidity, to
preserve quality. Seed testing for germination and incidence of was performed in the laboratory by the classic method of
filter paper and PDA medium.