Wheat variety must adapt as well as possible to the climatic conditions and the soil on which it is grown, so that the
yield and quality obtained are as high as possible. Some varieties cope well with drought and frost, others adapt even to
soils with low fertility. The choice of wheat variety must be made taking into account all these factors. In addition to the
climatic factor, Romanian farmers who want to achieve crop performance should consider other aspects when deciding
on the variety of wheat they will grow. The aim of the research paper is to identify the best wheat varieties in terms of
economic yield under irrigation and non-irrigation conditions. The research was carried out in conditions specific to the
plain area, more precisely the Great Island of Brăila, where the wheat crop occupies a significant area. This study
intends to make a contribution in order to optimize some elements of wheat cultivation technology, related to the
irrigation regime in order to improve economic performance both by increasing production yield and by significantly
eliminating losses resulting from the production process.