The soil is the result of the action of different processes determined by environmental factors, continuously adapting to
natural and / or artificial changes in the environment, recording and memorizing through certain phenomena, processes
and characteristics, the main moments of evolution. From the analysis of the geomorphological indicators, of the
Cucuteni territorial administrative unit, regarding the slope of the lands, landslides, deep erosion (ravenation) and
pedological indicators on organic matter content, soil reaction, soil texture, siltation / stagnation, salinization and
alkalization, result that the soils in the studied territory have a high degree of degradation. Among the limiting factors of
agricultural production, in descending order of affected areas, are: surface erosion (560.58 ha), landslides (506.53 ha),
pseudogleization (367.46 ha), acidification (318.05 ha), siltation (168.70 ha), salting (86.87 ha) and deep erosion (71.18
ha). Frequently, on the territory of Cucuteni commune, the limiting factors are associated on most of the lands, so that
their control requires a set of agro-improvement and special measures.